Pastor’s Pen RBT Celebrates 33 Years of Ministry RBT was started and remains still to be Rogersville’s only Independent Baptist Church. We are celebrating mile marker 33 in our journey through this world. When I think of the number 33, I cannot help but think of the just over 33 years that Jesus Christ lived on this earth. Years spent for others and us. Years spent as a sacrifice to see people redeemed, reached and rescued from sin. His was years of purity, separation and selflessness. Years that exhibited discipline, dedication and devotion to please and do the will of the Father. He was in the world but was never of it, thus His years involved much rejection, opposition and persecution, but He remained focused and faithful. Let it be known that His years wasn’t all negative as He enjoyed intimate fellowship with the Father, gave hope to the hopeless and made a difference in people lives. Many individuals received His message turned from sin followed Him in the way. Can the above be said of RBT for the 33 years of being in this world and ministry? Christ certainly sets forth the high standard for which we should reach. RBT, may we strive for and exhibit such Christ-likeness!