Pastor's Pen Mother's Day '08 "Mission Possible or Impossible" There was show years ago call "mission impossible" where a crew would undertake a mission that men thought to be impossible and accomplish the task with honors. Mothers are God's Missionaries with a mission from God to reach and train their children for Christ. Certainly the Devil would have moms to believe that because of the wicked world we live in that this would be a 'mission impossible.' But several mothers in the bible reveal that this high calling and task is indeed a mission possible. Eunice with Timothy, Jochebed with Moses and Hannah with Samuel to name a few. I also can testify that it was largely due to my mother feeling personally responsible for the salvation of her children, committed to the mission, would not take no for an answer, thus her children were won to Christ and still are serving God today. But contrary to my testimony, how many children are living lives of sin or already in hell due to the influence or the lack thereof of a mother? Mothers, nobody should have a greater desire or opportunity to win your children to Christ than you do. Your influence and example is powerful, so use it for God, and not for the world. Commit to the mission possible of your children being saved, spiritual and serving Christ. Put up a fight against the devil, sin and the world that desires to have your children. Never give in and never give up! Your children are worth it and the mission is possible. - Pastor Barry Rackley