Today is RBT Mission Sunday!! A special day set aside to have our vision and burden for world missions refreshed. Missions is the Commission Christ gave to the Church and individual believers to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. It is only through the arm of missions or missionaries that this can be carried out. When you give to missions you are not just giving money away but sowing seed that will have a harvest and a reward. By: Barry Rackley Moving Missions Sayings 1- “Only as the Church fulfills her missionary obligation does she justify her existence.” Unknown 2- “God had an only Son and He made Him a missionary.” David Livingstone 3- “We have eternity to tell of victories won for Christ, but we have only a few hours before sunset to win them.” Unknown 4- “If the church is to be missionary, she must be spiritual; and if the church is to be spiritual, she must be missionary.” G. Campbell Morgan 2007